Free School Chess Club - Mt Roskill Intermediate School



About the Free School Chess Team

Every Wednesday at lunchtime we meet in Room 26 for training games. If your teacher allows you may attend from 12noon but you must then stay for all of lunchtime unless you have an official school even like netball training, Kapa Haka practice, rehearsals or library duty. 12 noon chess is not to be used as a get-out-of-class excuse and then you go play tag with your mates at lunchtime.

You do not have to attend every session. If you come at the start of lunchtime you may leave any time - just let the coach know before you go. But the longer you stay and play, the faster you will get better at chess.

FIDE National Instructor Wayne McDougall coaches. You can contact him on mobile 021 669 768. But he may not reply immediately if he is busy training pupils.

It is free to join the school chess team. Some competitions may have additional entry and transport fees. If money is a challenge in your household please contact Mr McBride or a senior staff member to discuss your options. We do not want anyone to be excluded from chess because of financial pressures.

If you do not know how to play chess we can teach you. You can learn at any age.


First Name:
Last Name:
School Year:
Room number:
School House:
Date of birth:
Some chess competitions are for girls onlyAre you a girl?
Mobile Phone Number:
Contact Email Address:
Please list any food allergies you may have:
Please list any other health or behaviour problems we should know about:

Your privacy is important

We want information so we may

This information will only ever be used for school chess purposes. We collect birth dates as some chess competitions are divided into age groups.

You can contact us at any time to review and correct information we have stored about you or to have that information removed.

Photos and video recordings may be taken of you in accordance with New Zealand law. These photos may be used for promoting the school and chess. Photos and recordings may be taken of you as they compete in chess competitions in public places run by other organisations.

What we are going to do

We're going to have fun playing chess and get better at chess.

We're going to enter chess competitions. There will often be entry fees. There may be transport costs. Some competitions are open to anyone. Some have restricted entries so we will choose our best players to attend. Attending outside competitions is not required but will make you better and give you a goal.

If the cost of competition is a problem for your family, you can discuss in private with Mr Berry. We don't want anyone with ability and determination to miss out because of the cost.

Our Values are Reflected in our Behaviour

Upcoming competitions

Teams are selected based on chess match results at school chess club meetings. Team membership will change if people improve. Some of these are qualification events for other competitions.

We will post more details here as timetables for events are announced. Most of these have entry fees. They are all optional.